
Bushway Waystack - Why Do I Need a Criminal Defense Attorney?
There is an anonymous saying that has been around since the 17th century: he who serves as his own lawyer has a fool for a client. We will not go so far as to say that failing to secure legal representation in a criminal matter is the act of a fool; we will say that…
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Bushway Waystack - 5 Questions to Ask Your Macon Criminal Lawyer
The right to legal counsel is so important to the American legal system that it is one of only two rights that police are required to notify people of when they are arrested or detained for questioning. The other is the right not to self-incriminate, or as you have heard it said a million times…
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Bushway Waystack - Pretrial Proceedings FAQs: Arraignments
One of the core tenets of American criminal law is laid out in the Sixth Amendment to the US Constitution, which reads in part: “In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right… to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation.” In essence, the amendment states that all people accused of…
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Bushway Waystack - Pretrial Proceedings: What Happens at a Bond Hearing?
When most people think about criminal court proceedings, they think about a trial. That makes sense: in our TV shows, movies, and books, dramatic and sensational events always take place in a packed courtroom in front of a jury. In reality, though, the trial is the last or nearly the last in a long series…
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Bushway Waystack - Theft By Deception and Other Types of Theft in Georgia
In last month’s article, we discussed theft by conversion, a crime in which someone commits theft by lawfully borrowing, financing, or otherwise obtaining money or property from another person, and then converting that property to their own use – by not repaying the financing agreement, never returning or selling the borrowed property, or otherwise abusing…
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Bushway Waystack - Theft by Taking vs. Theft by Conversion: What’s the Difference?
Generally speaking, “theft” refers to what happens whenever someone unlawfully takes something that does not belong to them. In Georgia, “theft” is a broad term describing many acts prosecuted under several laws. The state recognizes theft by deception, theft of services, theft of lost or mislaid property, theft by receiving, and several other classes of…
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Bushway Waystack - What Is Racketeering?
Last month, we took a deep dive into Georgia’s Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act. That law has been in the news quite a bit lately following the indictment of former President Donald Trump on RICO charges in Fulton County. Although broader, Georgia’s RICO Act is similar to the federal RICO statute, which has…
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